My Unforgetable Vacation : Hongkong, Schenzen, Singapore #part 3

Mei 19, 2011

In Universal Studio, Singapore at January, 13th 2011 

My Family ready to go to Universal Studio, Singapore! And, we're in lobby, waitin' for car.

Hello! I'm In Universal Studio, Singapore. I can't believe that i'm in there!! And, i feel so excited!

This is the gate. Begitu memasukinya, keajaiban pun akan terjadi. It's so magic!

Ini daerah pertama yang aku kunjungi. Hollywood area. Ini seperti berada di Broadway. You know what? Aku sangat ingin menjadi pemain theater Broadway! SANGAT!

One side of Hollywood area. Take picture in the crowd situation! Yeah, i didn't want to lose the moment.

Here i am, waitin' for 'DONKEY LIVE SHOW'!! in Far Far Away area!

Hmm, many people waitin' for show. Actually, i can't wait for the show. Tetapi aku harus sabar! I must be.

Welcome to Madagascar, everybody! Yes, I'm in Madagascar area. There are Alex the lion, Marty the zebra, Gloria the hippo, and Melman the girrafe!

I'm in Madagascar area. Could you see a big palace behind me?! It's far far away!

I'm watchin' for 'Water World' in The Lost World area. It's attractive show i've ever had! if you sit in red splash zone, you'll get wet.

I'm forget who they are. But They're such as entertainer in Universal Studio. I love their clothes!! May i wear it? I think not.

I eat cotton candy! So sweet and yummy. I like it. I still keep the black plastic bag in this picture.

Time to say goodbye. I'm really really sad to leave Universal Studio. But maybe, someday, i'll visit it again. Amen.

In the lake of dream, resort world, sentosa island.

We're in front of lake of dream! So beautiful! 

With my beloved father. Satu kawasan dengan Universal Studio.

Bermain air mancur with my sista!! Keren bukaan?!!

With my sista and brotha. We want to go back to hotel! Oh ya, i stay in Elizabeth hotel.

I'm in front of CANDY STORE. Permennya sangat menggugah selera. Bayangkan kalau aku makan permen sebesar itu! Yummy :9



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